MEDIA RELEASE – Rambler withdraws from Winter Commute Challenge

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With much regret, the Rambler is today confirming that from this coming Friday the fourteenth of August he will be withdrawing from riding the Winter Commute Challenge

I did want to let my loyal fans know of this sooner“, the Rambler said,  “But I was worried this announcement would inevitably send shock-waves through the cycling community and perhaps distract from the achievements of other cyclists in  great events like the Tour Divide and the Tour de France.”

“The reality is that from this Friday, due to a temporary change in work circumstances, my commute distance will drop from around 19kms each way to just 4kms, and I can’t in good faith claim these pitiful distances as a commuter victory over winter.”

“I have therefore decided to withdraw from the winter commute challenge on my own terms by competing in both cycle legs of the real winter challenge on Sunday 16 August.”

“I fully expect to be the slowest cyclist on both courses, but the challenge is to be out there riding, challenging myself.”

We can confirm that rumours are true that the Rambler is busy creating bigger and better challenges for Spring, but he does not wish to release details at this stage.

For the record, at the end of week 10, the scores stand at Rambler, 7 weeks, winter 3 weeks.  Rambler 26 cycling days, winter 17.

Media Statement Ends.

“… OK, now we’ve got that sh*t out of the way … who the f*#k entered me in the Winter Challenge?  Don’t you idiots know how f*#king humiliating this is going to be  … what?  … speak up … what do you mean what I’m saying is still going into the blog post … oh sh# …”

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