Not all paths need be travelled with wheels …
Start of Cape Hauy track just past boat ramp |
let the steps begin |
lovely wildflowers this time of year |
lots and lots and lots of steps … this is a five star walk (we won’t mention the terrible state of the road on the way in) |
Getting closer. |
Looking down |
Did I mention my fear of heights? |
To think our originaly plan was to kayak out here, but the forecast 3 metre seas put us off there was barely a ripple on the water the whole day. |
Us trying to be brave and get closer to the edge. |
Back at Fortescue Bay watching the sun go down. |
Not bad for $13 a night. Well if you ignore the $12 we had to pay for a billy and $20 for a stove because we forgot ours. |
Yea, after our abandoned little trip up North we decided to head down to Fortescue Bay for a night (Much to my surprise Kim had never been down this way except to visit Port Arthur).
Probably our only regret was that we headed back home after just one night so we could spend New Years with the Monsters, only to find when we got back to Kim’s house that they’d decided they wanted to spend the night with their Dad instead.