Oh, yay.
So when I got home tonight, I found that Kim had brought the kids around to stay and having just walked past all these things on my front lawn, I had an inspiration and offered them 5 cents for each one they picked up.
Ten minutes later my lawn was all clean again and the count commenced …

It cost $18.90 and I suspect from their rather exuberant dances of joy that I’d just been done over good and proper.
What really hurt though was that they wouldn’t take an IOU, and as I only had a $20 note, well they were OK with rounding up what I owed them to $20.
I used to have to cut and stack 10 tonnes of firewood when I was their age to earn $20 and it would take all day.
In fact thinking about it … $18.90 for ten minutes work, that’s way better money than I’m on.
Expensive miscalculation. Clever kids.