The Shuttlebike …

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What’s a rambler to do when he starts running out of trails on land?

This problem has been bothering me for a while now as I find it harder and harder to think of new places to go and explore by bike in Tasmania.

Then a friend of mine suggested I sent me this link …, and the rest, predictably, was inevitable and Bruny Island was the perfect place to give things a try …

It does take a doctorate to figure out how to put it all together
Kim had plenty of time to have a snooze and work on her tan.
Inflation of pontoons is achieve by a pedal pump which is quite clever.
(but very hard and takes two people)

30 minutes (OK, an hour) later and we have the finished product …
Question is … do I trust it?
Me with my confident face on.
No turning back now … speaking of which … how do you turn?

Child’s play …

Slightly out of skew …

Notice flip up propeller attached to front wheel
You just turn the same way you would when riding a bike.  Clever.

If you want to see how it is really done, then feel free to check out the expert in action …

With a bit of imagination, there’s always new trails to ride, though I think it will be a while before I do the first circumnavigation of Tasmania on this baby …

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