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Pounding headache this morning, so it was only late in the day that I decided I needed to haul my butt out the door and get some exercise.  After a quick sorting of the options, I decided knocklofty called.

Funny isn’t it, knocklofty’s only a km or two out of the CBD and yet I’ve never got up there on a bike.  Turns out its a beautiful area.  Headed from the top of Forest Rd, around the front of the hill, then found another track that doubled back around just above the first one, which i followed until just before I got back to the car park where I decided to head up the summit circuit.  Explored one or two dead ends, and there’s a bit of a push up through a few sections, but all in all enjoyable little climb to the summit.  Arrived up there about the same time as another guy.

View is pretty unimpressive from the top, but the track down the other side is definitely worth the climb up. 

It’s a fairly new bit of single track and from what I can see mountain bikers are allowed.  The track switchbacks down the hill, before linking back in with the Mt Stuart Circuit.  Followed this for a while, but in the end doubled back and returned down to the car park following the summit track, but with another short detour to frog ponds.  There were a few stairs to get down, and whilst I cycled down the first set, there were a couple walking there dog on the second so I carried the bike down these.

It seemed to early to head home, so I followed Forest Road until where it turns into a track behind a boom gate and found another lovely section of well ridden track that winds around the side of the hill and eventually drops out at McRobies Gully Tip just between the top of the hill and the weight in station.  Brilliant track both ways (slightly downhill heading towards the tip).

All in all only out on the bike for 1.5 – 2 hrs, but feeling lot better for it, lovely Sunday afternoon, and there’s still that Mt Stuart circuit I saw signed which needs exploring another day …

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